Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hey there!

Hey there! I'm Jasmine Borup! (I can tell you my last name cuz my parents have a diffrent one) I am a LDS, (known to most of you as 'mormon') I live in Utah, And I'm still in Young Womens (ages 12-18). That's all you'll know about my age, peeps. I am also in karate, just in case you were wondering. I LOVE books and read them in levels ranging from middle school to Senior College. (I read.... a lot.) I am a great fan of the Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling, The Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer, and the Charlie Bone books by J. Nimmo. This list will never end... I am actually so obsessed with Twilight that I created a RolePlay site:

I am also trying to be a professional actress, and am meeting with Agents pretty soon. (I'll let you know how that one goes...) I am exited to someday star in a movie and show people that mormon people (even more specifically mormon girls) can keep their standards in Hollywood. I also am planning to go on a mission, though I'm not quite sure how that one will work out, depending on if I meet the right guy by that time or not. I am also planning on going to College and getting a degree as either a drama teacher or a filming teacher.

Just so you guys know, I will be posting pictures on this blog, so you can just guess my age I guess...

You guys will also be hearing a lot about my life, so be prepared to read a lot about things like movies, Disney Channel, my favorite music, and my stupid family.


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